Monday, February 3, 2014

An afternoon in Da Nang

Photo and story by Lucy - Happy easyrider customer!

I spent an awesome afternoon with Uyen exploring the surrounds of Da Nang,

We explored Marble mountains.
Mr Uyen has lots of interesting stories to tell, from buddist folk tales explaining the statues and caves, to the history of the caves use as military hospitals to interesting anitdotes about the multitude of hotels springing up throughout Danang.

Marble mountain has recently installed a lift, so it is a good climb (and some good exercise) if you choose the stairs..... Or accessible by lift if the stairs are too much. Lots of caves, statues and pagodas to see, as well as a great view of the beach!

Then we went off the the lady buddha on the other side of town.
via a nice little fishing community on the outskirts of DaNang. I still think these round boats look super hard to row..... but Uyen claims to have been a fisherman in the past, and that they are easy to row!


As you can see, the scenery it stunning! It is well worth a day trip up for Hoi An, or an extra few hours on the way to the airport! Uyen will happily start or end your day in Hoi An, no doubt stopping for lots of photos and meeting locals on the way! (I didn't take this option as I was staying the night in DaNang).

Uyen will stop for as many photos as you like, and will coax you out from behind the camera to get some photos of you enjoying your holiday!

Give Uyen a call, and enjoy!!!

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